Monday, January 4, 2016

Marvel Silver Age Read-Through -- The first defeat of Dormammu

I only got through one issue last night because of an early morning doctor's appointment.

Stan is still treating the title like the Human Torch is the headliner, but Dr. Strange has long since taken over the title.  In the first feature, the Torch and Thing get tired of being bossed around by Reed and tells him off.  Reed "proves" his leadership by leading them into a trap and showing how helpless they are without him.  A really weird entry, even for Strange Tales.  A lot has been made of sexism in early Marvel titles, but this shows the now out-of-date concepts of leadership.  Reed presents he should be leader by virtue of age, not merit, and leadership is shown as a title and right, not a skill or talent.  Boneheaded moment of the story for me -- Johnny presents as an argument for why he should not have to listen to Reed his defeat of the Wizard, Paste-Pot Pete, and him and Ben chasing off Namor in the previous issue.  I was waiting for Reed to point out that they didn't thwart an attack, they ruined peace talks,  Yeah, Johnny.  That's evidence of your maturity.

In the second story, directly continuing from the last issue, Dr. Strange battles and comes to terms with Dormammu for the first time.  I think this was the first time a story was broken over two installments for Dr. Strange.  Ditko brings the striking arcane visuals as usual, and while not yet-named, and she technically appeared last issue, this is the first appearance of Clea.  At the end of the story, Dr. Strange is presented with his more famous red cloak of levitation (the first one was blue) and a new amulet which contains the Eye of Agamotto.  I don't know if the old amulet was ever name.

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