Tuesday, April 7, 2015

...And We're Back (2015 Edition)

Welcome to the 2nd post of Stories from the Spinner Rack for 2015! <cue fanfare>  This may seem an odd choice for second post, but I really felt like I had to pay tribute to my dad first and foremost.

So why am I back?  A couple of reasons.  One simple one is being reminded of it recently (Hey, Paul!), by about the only person other than a bot collecting web statistics that I know had checked it out.  The other is I have a real need sometimes, and its been building lately, to discuss the geek landscape (or at lease the parts that I roam) and especially comics.  In 2014, I got into listening to podcasts, and I was amazed to find a rather large blogging and podcasting community on comics in my relative geographic neck of the woods, the Southeast).  It was a community that I wanted to be a part of, so I got some of my fix by tentatively responding to Andy and Michael Leyland from Hey Kids, Comics!.  There show led me to many others, and while I don't know when I would find the time, I would love to maybe produce or participate in a podcast one day.  So part of this is exercising some muscles and trying to develop and build some of the contacts I would want to have to make that leap.  Another part is to have people get to know me, and I know them in return.  A problem I found with correspondence about podcasts is that I now follow so many that I feel awkward e-mailing someone about a show they released months ago, and I also feel like I have to wait to listen to the whole episode and sense hours or days may pass between parts for me, I often forget what I wanted to say by the time I've listened to the whole thing.  My hope is that I can post comments about what I'm listening to and folks like Michael Bailey, Shag Matthews, Shawn Engel, and others eventually check out the blog and strike up a dialog either in the comments here, Facebook, or wherever.

So what is different this time around?  Well, the format of the blog obviously wasn't working for me.  I'm still on my crazy crusade to read through comics chronologically, but I obviously don't feel compelled to write about everything I read, and its boring for you to read something that is boring for me to write, so expect more random thoughts about comics I've read recently along with updates as to where I am on my march through time.  The occasional well-reasoned rant.  Some posting about what I'm listening to and my reactions to it.  What it made me thought.  And anything else that strikes me.  For a while in 2014, emboldened by the The Fantasticast, an excellent podcast co-hosted by Stephen Lacey and Andrew Leyland, I began a second reading exercise just going through Marvel from the 60's starting with 1960.  I made it to about '62/'63 before stopping because I felt like I was ignoring my golden age reading, but I may do that again, or pull out specific runs, or read along with a podcast.  I don't want to abandon my chronological read-through of the Golden Age, but nothing made me attack it with more fervor than checking in with something else for awhile.  So that's it.  I hope some folks check this out.

Coming Soon on Tales of the Spinner Rack:
- Weird thoughts and Facts from Comics circa 1940 (an update on my reading through the Golden Age)
- Overlooked Gems of the Golden Age circa 1940
- The Down Low on the Downloads (A brief rundown of what Podcasts I listen to and what I like about them)

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