Monday, April 27, 2015

Convergence Blues

Convergence is so...meh.  Is anyone else as underwhelmed as I am?  I've only read Convergence #1, and a handful of crossovers (Atom, Batgirl, Batman and Robin, and Harley Quinn), bur its really disappointing:
1. Not only is the battle arena motif played out in popular culture right now, it went over like a lead balloon with Countdown Arena.  What may now the time to revisit it?
2. Not that misleading promotional buzz is anything new, but does anyone else feel a bait and switch?  This isn't revisiting old friends like they were.  The conditions under the domes have changed these characters.  They aren't as they were, and most of the titles haven't captured the flavor of the old runs. 
3.  I am an old school Captain Carrot fan.  It was my transition book.  I had a few super hero comics, but most of my earliest books were from Whitman grab bags.  Captain Carrot was the bridge from Bugs Bunny and Pink Panther to Brave and the Bold and Justice League for me.  Why do I think everyone is going to fall to pre-Flashpoint, New 52, or Nu Earth-2?  I want to see Captain Carrot and and Fastback as much as folks want to see the pre-Zero Hour Superman or the JLI.  I don't want them sacrificed in a heavy-handed metaphor on how their time is passed aka their heads handed to them by Harley Quinn or Prof. Zoom.

From start to finish the execution feels wrong.  How much cooler would it be if they were frozen in time, like flies in amber and they teamed-up against a mutual threat instead of squaring off in a ring.  And really pulling iconic representations, not every Elseworld also-ran.  You want to do a story of the Atom?  Either follow-up on where the back-ups were taking him pre-Flashpoint (which seemed like a cool back-to-basics approach) or Sword of the Atom era Atom.  I give DC a lot of slack.  Yes, the Superman books have been so-so since the new 52, but there has been a lot of good to come out of it (All-Star Western by Gray and Palmotti, Batman by Snyder and Capullo, Wonder Woman by Azzarello and Chiang, Batgirl by Cameron Stewart as examples). I'm just not used to an "event" from DC leaving me feeling this way.

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